Being professionals in the field of commercial transportation, we know all the features of obtaining USDOT and MC, and include all the details of the client's business when opening them.
We do not just receive USDOT and MC - we plan the development of the client's business, calculating even at the stage of business registration, all possible problems that may occur in the future.

USDOT Number
Companies that operate commercial vehicles transporting passengers or hauling cargo in interstate commerce must be registered with the FMCSA and have a US Department of Transportation Number (USDOT#). Also, commercial intrastate hazardous materials carriers who haul types and quantities requiring a safety permit must register for a USDOT #.
You are required to obtain a USDOT # if you have a vehicle that:
- Is used to transport the types and quantities of hazardous materials requiring a safety permit in intrastate commerce
- Has a gross vehicle weight or gross combination weight of 10,001 lbs. or more
- Is designed or used to transport more than 8 passengers (including the driver) for compensation
- Is designed or used to transport more than 15 passengers, including the driver, and is not used to transport passengers for compensation
Obtaining Operating Authority (MC Number)
A Motor Carrier (MC) number identifies a carrier who transports regulated commodities for hire in interstate commerce. Not all companies with a DOT number are required to have an MC number.
Companies are required to have an MC number if they:
- Transport passengers in interstate commerce (for a fee of other compensation, whether direct or indirect)
- Transport federally-regulated commodities owned by others or arranging for their transport (for a fee or other compensation, in interstate commerce)

Freight Broker
One of the biggest differences between a broker and a freight forwarder is that a broker doesn’t take possession of the freight. A broker works as a middle man to connect shippers and carriers and usually doesn’t issue bills of lading (BOL) with their name as the carrier. Brokers generally can’t be held liable for any claims. They must register with the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and carry insurance to protect their customers from loss.
Freight Forwarder
A freight forwarder arranges the transportation and storage of freight for their customers and uses carriers to transport the freight. They physically take charge of the cargo and are responsible for insuring it. They are also responsible for the loss of, or damage to, the shipment. Freight Forwarders usually ship freight under their own BOLs and can store freight at their warehouses. Freight forwarders must apply to the FMCSA for operating authority as a freight forwarder in interstate or foreign commerce.
Broker of Property
(except Household Goods) An individual, partnership, or corporation that receives payment for arranging the transportation of property (excluding household goods) belonging to others by using an authorized Motor Carrier. A Broker does not assume responsibility for the property and never takes possession of it.
Broker of Household Goods
An individual, partnership, or corporation that receives payment for arranging the transportation of household goods belonging to others by using an authorized Motor Carrier. A Broker does not assume responsibility for the household goods and never takes possession of the goods. Household goods are personal items and property that will be used in a home. An individual, partnership or corporation requires registration as a household goods broker if the motor carrier providing transportation will also provide some or all of the following additional services, binding and nonbinding estimates, inventorying, protective packing and unpacking of individual items at personal residences and loading and unloading at personal residences.
We have many years of experience in opening brokerages, so we will answer all your questions. By choosing our company to organize your business, you save time, money and nerves - because we are proud of the quality of our services.
We take responsibility for submitting forms that activate authority, thereby freeing the client from unnecessary worries and facilitating the process of entering this interesting and profitable business.
Motor Carrier Identification Report (MCS-150)
The Motor Carrier Identification Report (MCS-150) is the form you will file to obtain and/or update your USDOT number. This allows the FMCSA to verify that the information associated with your DOT number is correct. You are required to process with this update every 24 months, depending on the last 2 numbers of your DOT #.
Authority Reinstatement
Before you request reinstatement, please have your BOC-3 (Designation of Process Agent) form and insurance in place. If they are not in place, your reinstatement request will be placed on hold until the BOC-3 and insurance requirements are met.
In addition, you must have an active, up-to-date DOT # record, or include an updated MCS-150 form with your reinstatement request.
DOT Signs
What should you remember before ordering DOT signs for your truck?
- It is compulsory for all businesses transporting vehicles with no exception.
- You must display the DOT signs on both sides of the truck.
- The lettering must be intense and bright in color that differs from the color of the surface.
- It should be no less than 2” tall and visible from 50 feet away.
Need to get high-quality customized DOT signs for trucks and all other fleets according to all requirements of the US legislation? There is a company who provides a full range of branding services for vehicles, including designing and customizing the DOT signs.