The International Registration Plan (IRP) is a registration reciprocity agreement between the contiguous United States and Canadian provinces, which provides apportioned payments of registration fees, based on the total distance operated in participating jurisdictions, to them. IRP's fundamental principle is to promote and encourage the fullest possible use of the highway system.

The benefit of this plan is that a carrier may be registered in only his/her home state, yet legally engage in interstate commerce. Each carrier vehicle only needs one specially marked "Apportioned", "APP", or "PRP" license plate, and a cab card which lists each jurisdiction the vehicle is valid to do business in and how much weight it is registered to carry.
Apportionable Vehicles: any vehicle intended for use of transporting a person for hire or property, within the contiguous United States and/or Canadian provinces, that drives on:
- two axles having a gross vehicle weight, a registered gross vehicle weight or a gross combination weight in excess of 26,000 pounds (12,000 kg)
- three or more axles Exceptions: recreational vehicles, vehicles displaying restricted plates, buses used in the transportation of chartered parties, government-owned vehicles
IRP Registrations must be renewed every year based on the miles driven in each jurisdiction. If the truck had been recently purchased and does not have miles driven for the required period, estimated miles will be used.
To reduce or prevent downtime of your trucks Our team prepares a package of documents in the shortest possible time to receive your IRP registration number.
Contact us and we will explain the whole process to you in detail and help you get a new registration, add a track to an existing one or upgrade.

We will make complex things easy and understandable for you
First Time IRP
- Copy of the Articles of Incorporation for your company
- Copy of your CDL or copy of driver CDL if applicant does not have a valid CDL and a copy of your driver’s license
- Social Security Number and/or Employee Identification Number
- Proof of ownership: Title, ST-556 Form, Bill of Sale or invoice (issued by a licensed dealer)
- Prospective employer: name, address, phone number, Safety Carrier DOT #, Safety Carrier TIN #
- Proof of address with any four of the below documents (no older than 60 days)
- Utility bills
- Lease agreement
- Insurance for car or truck (must be a certificate, declaration page or a bill)
Adding Additional Units
- Copy of your current IRP registration (for any truck you have registered)
- Proof of ownership: Title, ST-556 Form, Bill of Sale or Invoice (issued by a licensed dealer)
- Heavy Highway Use Tax (HUT 2290) Form if vehicle was purchased more than 60 days ago
- Unit #
- Safety Carrier DOT #
- Copy of the registration you are transferring from
- Proof of ownership: Title, ST-556 Form, Bill of Sale or invoice (issued by a licensed dealer)
- Heavy Highway Use Tax (HUT 2290) Form if vehicle was purchased more than 60 days ago
- Unit # of the new truck (a random number you pick)
- Safety Carrier DOT # and Safety Carrier TIN #
- Copy of your current registration or Secretary of State renewal of registration letter
- Safety Carrier DOT # and Safety Carrier TIN #
- Total miles in every state you traveled for the 4-quarter period required by the state
- Heavy Highway Use Tax (HUT 2290) Form for all vehicles that you are renewing (with IRS stamp or e-file logo clearly visible)
- Updates to address